Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Worship into all the world

Sadly, realistically, amongst Lutheranism, worship wars exist. And these wars center around the very heart of worship. Why are we gathered at a certain time on a certain day?

As I have aged, my understanding of worship has changed, and continues to do so (I hope). The more we can lift up the rich traditions that have been handed down to us, and the more we seek to understand how these traditions came to be and why they are done, the more grounded and relevant our worship and our faith will be to us. And if we are certain of our faith and trustingly believe the Gospel message, the more relevant we will appear to the world around us. We will be who we are, and more than that, we will be who God has made us to be.

Check out this video segment of Lutheran Christians in Africa. They are singing from a new French-speaking hymnal. This worship is neither traditional or contemporary, labels that mean nothing and help no one. It is simply worship. And it is grand. Cut and paste the http into your search engine.

Here is a YouTube video of a congregation singing at the Seminary in Dapaong, Togo - Africa on Feb 29, 2010. They are singing “Dearest Jesus We Are Here” from the Liturgies et cantiques luthériens.

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