Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Everything Old is Relevant!

"Ubi Christus, ibi ecclesia"

Who knew that Ignatius of Antioch was an observer of 21st Century Christianity?

What Ignatius said, for those who have forgotten their Latin is: "Where Christ is, there is the Church."

The smallest church, the largest church, the oldest church, the newest church, all of them are church as long as Christ is present and Christ is proclaimed.

When I say that Christ is proclaimed, I mean the Christ of the Bible. This would be the Christ of God who was sent at the Father's direction to preach repentance for the forgiveness of sins. This is the Christ who willingly offered up himself on the cross for our forgiveness and was bodily raised from the dead for our justification. This is the Christ who is present in the proclamation of His Word and is present in the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion.

It is not the Christ who is proclaimed as life-coach. It is the not the Christ who is held up as moral example, as great teacher, as someone who overlooks sin.

Where Christ is, there is the Church.

Right on Ignatius. Preach it!

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