Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What happened!

I've been drinking coffee since I was a sophomore in college. That was quite a while ago. And for the longest time, I drank it straight- no cream, no sugar, no nothing. Black. Simple. Then I started going to breakfast with a group of men once a month at Frisch's Big Boy in Columbus. I started using those little creamers that restaurants put on their tables. During the week when I was in the office, I'd still drink my coffee straight, but I started liking those little creamers. Then when I'd do my grocery shopping, I noticed that powdered creamer was on sale, so I bought some. Not regular creamer, but French Vanilla. It was nice. It made my coffee taste like hot chocolate. And I was hooked.

Now I always look to see if the Coffee Mate is on sale and I look forward to all the seasonal offerings that are available- peppermint mocha, spiced vanilla rum, chocolate caramel. This morning when I made the coffee at church, I went to the refrigerator to get the cream and forgot that I had used the last of the peppermint mocha on Sunday! I had to use regular powdered creamer and splenda. It was fine. It was okay. It was still hot. It was wet. It was still caffeinated. But how dreary.

What happened? I'm not sure but I know that I prefer those flavored creamers.

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