Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just returned

from a few days at Massanutten Resort near Harrisonburg VA. It was tremendous to be down there with the family and to spend time doing what we wanted to do, not what we had to do.

Massanutten is beautiful and the weather was sunny and warm. We took the kids to the pool a few times and all three loved being in the water with their various inflatable helps. Went miniature golfing although it was about 10 holes too long for Matthew. Took a hike so that Jacob could do his homework and count bugs for his class. Grilled hamburgers and bratwurst, spent some time in the jacuzzi tub and probably the nicest thing was to sit outside on the deck with Corinna and read a book while the clouds blew over the mountain.

We even got to see what the emergency room at Rockingham Memorial Hospital was like as Matthew woke up Wednesday night with an awful, barking cough. It cleared up a little as we got him and Corinna in the car (Jacob was asleep and stayed home with his Pops). The doctor diagnosed Matthew with croup and the nurse gave him a steroid to clear things up. It worked and he was able to get some decent sleep. Matthew is averaging one emergency room visit each year.

It was a great trip and we are grateful to be the guests of Amanda's dad and wife. We look forward to going back again.

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