Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is it...

about the St. Louis Cardinals coming to Philadelphia that makes Philadelphians act like Philadelphians?

Last year, with the Cardinals in town, one Philadelphian kicked, beat, and stomped another Philadelphian to death at a bar attached to Citizen's Bank Park. To death. As in not breathing any more with no heart beat or brain function.

Last night, a 17 year old boy ran on to the field, was chased by security personnel, and eventually was tasered. Fans have no right to be on the field. Once they step out of the stands and on to the playing field, they are fair game. Life would be pretty simple if everyone abided by this rule: Don't go where you're not supposed to go and don't do what you're not supposed to do.

And let's be honest and say, "Good for the security personnel." Tasering can solve a lot of stupid in a pretty short time span.

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