Tuesday, May 11, 2010

M-O-M-M-A I know how you got that way!

The last two days I have listened to a Mother's Roundtable on Issues, Etc. (www.issuesetc.org, then click On Demand). It has been fantastic! Deaconness Pam Nielsen, Rebecca Curtis, and Sandra Ostapowich did an excellent job talking about the joys and challenges of motherhood. I highly recommend listening to these conversations. They are in two one-hour segments.

Mothers are a tremendous gift and we do well to thank God for blessing His children with mothers, mothers who recognize their failings, who welcome the opportunities to speak truthfully about sin and grace, who understand that they serve their neighbor when they serve their children and husband, since their family is the closest neighbor they are given.

Mothers serve a valuable role and they help shape and form the children they have been blessed with.

I can tell that there have been some excellent mothers as I interact with church members and friends. I know how you became the person you are. Thank your mother for me.

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