Friday, September 10, 2010

Burning Books?

Not Knowing What Will Take Place Tomorrow

It is quite likely that you have heard the news about the proposed burning of the Qur’an by a “Christian” “pastor” in Gainesville, FL on the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attack on our country.

By my use of quotation marks, you can also likely guess what some of my thoughts are on the matter. Burning Qur’an’s, especially by a Christian organization, is not a good thing to do. It does not project the right message of Christianity.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are dynamic groups and a wide range of perspectives can be found. We know that within Christianity you’ll find believers who are opposed to abortion and believers who feel that abortion is acceptable. Within the three major religions of the world, there are segments that can be radicalized.

I do not support what Rev. Terry Jones is planning to do. (In a Friday story in the Washington Post it was reported that Jones was going to cancel the Qur’an burning because a Florida Imam said that the cultural center at Ground Zero would not be built if Jones did not burn the Qur’an. But the people planning the cultural center said that the Florida Imam did not speak for them. Jones is now reconsidering the cancellation of the event.) From where I sit, Rev. Jones is seeking attention, and he is getting it in droves. The media salivates for a story like this.

And I wonder if Rev. Jones’ Qur’an burning-gimmick is not driven by fear. From various media reports, Jones is a Bible believer. That is great. Millions of Christians around the world can be labeled the same way. If he is indeed a Bible believer, what is he afraid of? Paraphrasing Dr. Luther, he wanted the Qur’an to be circulated freely amongst people, for when the Bible and the Qur’an are placed side-by-side, the Bible wins every time! The claims of the Bible are supported by religious and secular history, by archaeology, and by eyewitness claims that have been recorded. No other religion, Islam included, can make that statement. What is there to fear?

When people ask your opinion of what may or may not take place tomorrow, tell them that burning books- Bible, Qur’an, Torah, cookbook, Catcher in the Rye- is wrong. It does certainly not present Christianity in a light that is favorable. When you are asked your opinion, this is a good opportunity to speak of the hope that is in you, that in our holy book we know with certainty of God’s love, forgiveness, and mercy that come to us through Jesus the living Word of God.

“God’s Word is our great heritage and shall be ours forever; To spread its light from age to age shall be our chief endeavor. Through life it guides our way, in death it is our stay. Lord, grant, while worlds endure, we keep its teachings pure throughout all generations.” {LSB 582}

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